Practice Questions for CSIR NET Group Theory : Groups and Their Properties I

Practice Questions for NET JRF Group Theory Assignment: Basics of Group Theory

1. Let \(\sigma: \{1,2,3,4,5\} \rightarrow \{1,2,3,4,5\}\) be a permutation (one-to-one and onto function) such that \(\sigma^{-1}(j) \leq \sigma(j)\) for all \(j, 1 \leq j \leq 5\). Then which of the following are true?

2. Which of the following is a non-cyclic group?

3. Let \(\mathbb{C}^*\) denote the multiplicative group of non-zero complex numbers. Let \(G_1\) be the cyclic subgroup generated by \(1+i\) and \(G_2\) be the cyclic subgroup generated by \(\frac{1+i}{\sqrt{2}}\). Which one of the following is correct?

4. Let \(\sigma\) be an element of the permutation group \(S_5\). Then the maximum possible order of \(\sigma\) is

5. Let the group \(G=\mathbb{R}\) (the set of all real numbers) under addition and the group \(H=\mathbb{R}^{+}\) (the set of all positive real numbers) under multiplication.

6. Suppose that \(H\) is the smallest subgroup of \(\mathbb{Z}\) under addition, and \(H\) contains 18, 80, and 40. Then \(H\) is

7. If the order of every non-identity element in a group is 'n', then

8. Let \(G=\{g_1, g_2, \ldots, g_n\}\) be a finite group, and suppose it is given that \(g_i^2 = \text{identity}\) for \(i=1,2,\ldots,n-1\). Then

9. Consider the multiplicative group \(G\) of all the (complex) \(2^n\) th roots of unity, where \(n=0,1,2,\ldots\). Then

10. Which of the following numbers can be orders of permutations \(\sigma\) of 11 symbols such that \(\sigma\) does not fix any symbol?

11. Let \(G=\mathbf{Z}_{10} \times \mathbf{Z}_{15}\). Then

12. Which of the following groups has a proper subgroup that is NOT cyclic?

13. Let \(G_1\) be an abelian group of order 6 and \(G_2=S_3\). For \(j=1,2\), let \(P_j\) be the statement: " \(G\), has a unique subgroup of order." Then

14. Let \(D_8\) denote the group of symmetries of a square (dihedral group). The minimal number of generators for \(D_8\) is

15. Consider the following statements:

S: Every non-abelian group has a nontrivial abelian subgroup.

T: Every nontrivial abelian group has a cyclic subgroup. Then

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