31. Consider the group \(G = \mathbf{Z}_4 \times \mathbf{Z}_4\) of order 16, let \(U_k\) be the union of subgroups of order \(k\), and \(H_k = \left\langle U_k \right\rangle\) be a subgroup of \(G\) for each \(k\).
32. Let \(S_{10}\) be a group of permutations of 10 symbols such that \(\beta \in S_{10}\) is a 10-cycle and \(\alpha = \beta^k\), where \(2 \leq k \leq 10\). Then the value of \(k\) for which \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) have the same order is
33. Let \(G\) be a finite group and \(o(G)\) denotes its order. Then which of the following statement(s) is(are) TRUE?
34. Let \(S\) be the group of permutations of three distinct symbols. The direct sum \(S_3 \oplus S_3\) has an element of order
35. Which of the following statements is (are) true?
36. Let \(G\) be a non-abelian group and \(a, \beta \in G\) have order 3, 3 respectively. Then the order of the element \(\alpha \beta\) in \(G\) is
37. Consider the following statements:
1. \(A(S)\) be a group of bijections on a non-empty set. Then for any \(x_0 \in S\), \(H = \{\phi \in A(S): \phi(x_0) = x_0\}\) is a subgroup of \(A(S\).
2. \(G\) be a group of mappings \(f_{a, b}: R \rightarrow R\) defined by \(f_{a, b}(x) = ax + b\) where \(a \neq 0\). Then \(H = \{f_{a} \in G: a\) is a rational number\} is a subgroup of \(G\).
38. The number of elements of \(S_3\) (the symmetric group on 5 letters) which are their own inverses equals
39. Which one of the following conditions on a group \(G\) implies that \(G\) is abelian?
40. Let \(p\) be a prime number. Let \(G\) be the group of all \(2 \times 2\) matrices over \(Z_p\) with determinant 1 under matrix multiplication. Then the order of \(G\) is
41. Let \(G\) be a group of order 125. Which of the following statements are necessarily true?
42. Let \(G\) be a finite abelian group and \(a, b \in G\) with \(\text{order}(a) = m\), \(\text{order}(b) = n\). Which of the following are necessarily true?