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1. Let \(V\) be a 3-dimensional vector space over the field \(\frac{\mathbb{Z}}{3 \mathbb{Z}}\) of 3 elements. The number of distinct 1-dimensional subspaces of \(V\) is
Exp. No. of Subspace for any \(V\) of dimension \(d=\frac{\prod_{d=0}^{d=r-1} p^{n k}-p^{d k}}{\prod_{d=0}^{d=r-1} p^{r k}-p^{d k}}\)
2. There exists an Idempotent matrix \(A_{5 \times 5}\) such that
Exp. For idempotent matrices \(-\operatorname{Rank}(\mathrm{A})=\operatorname{Trace}(\mathrm{A})\)
3. Find the Value of \(b\) for which the Quadratic form is Positive definite
\( Q(x, y, z)=2 x^{2}+(b+4) y^{2}+(b+1) z^{2}+2 b x y+2(b-4) y z \)
Exp. Here, \(\mathrm{A}=\left(\begin{array}{ccc}2 & b & 0 \\ b & b+4 & b-4 \\ 0 & b-4 & b+1\end{array}\right)\), select \(b=0\) and \(3\) and discard \(a, c, d\)
4. Suppose that \(A\) is a square matrix such that \(B^{T} A B\) is a diagonal matrix for an orthogonal matrix \(B\), Then
Exp. \(B^{T} A B\) is a diagonal matrix for an orthogonal matrix \(B\), Then \(A\) must be symmetric.
5. Which of the following matrix representation is of a linear operator
\( T: \mathbf{R}^{3} \rightarrow \mathbf{R}^{3} \text{ defined as } T(x, y, z)=(2 x, y+z, x+y+2 z) \text{ w.r.t. basis }\) \( \{(1,2,1),(1,1,1),(1,1,0)\} \)
6. Let \(A\) be a complex matrix \((5 \times 5)\) such that \(A^{3}=A\) then
Exp. \(-A^{3}=A \Rightarrow x^{3}-x=0\) Possible minimal polynomials are \(x, x-1, x+1,(x^{2}-1), x(x^{2}-1)\), Hence \(A\) can be chosen as 0, Identity or \(-I\) and a, b, c can be discarded.
7. Let \(V=\{p(x) \mid p(x)\) is a polynomial over \(\mathbb{R}\}\) be a vector space over \(\mathbb{R}\) under usual addition & scalar multiplication of polynomials, then which of the following is/are not a sub-space of \(V\) -
Explanation: \(0 \notin W\) for a, b, and c.
8. If \(S=\{x, \sin x, \cos x,\{x\},[x]\} \subseteq V\), where \(V\) is a vector space of all functions on \(\mathbb{R}\) over \(\mathbb{R}\) and all other symbols have their usual meaning, then choose the correct -
Exp. \(\{x\}=x-[x]\)
9. Let \(A=\left[a_{i j}\right]_{2020 \times 2020} ; a_{i j} \in \mathbb{R}\) such that \(A^{1010}=0\) and \(A^{r} \neq 0\) if \(r<1010\) and \(\mathrm{k}\) denote the rank of matrix \(A\), Then which of the following is/are true-
Exp. Jordan form for nilpotent matrices.
10. Let \(A x=b\) be a non-homogeneous system of equations. If \(\mathrm{S}\) is the solution set of \(A x=b\) and \(S_{h}\) is the solution set of the associated homogeneous system \(A x=0\) then
Exp. For a, if \(x \in S\) and \(y \in S_{h}\) and \(a \in \mathbf{R}\) implies \(\mathrm{A} x+A(a y)=b+a A y=b+0=b\) For \(\mathrm{b}\), if \(x, y \in S\) then \(\mathrm{A} x-A y=b-b=0 \Rightarrow x-y \in S_{h}\)